Embassy in Abuja

All practical information on our Embassy in Abuja.

Address and opening hours

Contact details, opening hours, closing days and access map of our Embassy in Abuja.
  1. Last updated on

Contact details

Embassy Abuja
9, Usuma Street, Maitama 

T: +234 803 301 68 22 (secretariat)

Please note that no information regarding visa matters is given by phone. Information can only be obtained through the following e-mail address: abuja.visa@diplobel.fed.be.

Emergency number outside of the opening hours only for Belgian nationals in distress. This number is for extreme emergencies only (deceased Belgians, arrest, theft of travel documents, ...). The person answering the emergency number will not answer administrative questions (visa, passport renewal, ...) : +234 916 998 2071

abuja.visa@diplobel.fed.be (only for visa matters)
abuja.legalisation@diplobel.fed.be (only for legalisation matters)
abuja@diplobel.fed.be (only for general questions)

Access map

Opening hours

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Embassy is currently open by appointment only.

Please schedule your appointment via e-Appointment. Appointments can be scheduled between 9:30 and 16:00 from Monday to Thursday, and between 9:30 and 11:00 on Friday.